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A member registered Feb 25, 2021

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This is a great take on pong! Could definitely use a multiplayer though, the AI opponent started to feel unfair to play against when there were a ton of balls on the screen.

Hm player feedback is an interesting idea. That makes for a really interesting thought experiment. I think the hardest part is gaining momentum, so maybe displaying a vector that shows the optimum direction for gaining momentum, and another vector for current direction? That's a fun thing to think about, thank you for the feedback!

Thank you!

Very nice work with the presentation on this one! Everything looked great! This is just my personal taste and opinion, but it was a little jarring having the 2D pixel art style character model in the higher resolution 3D space, but that's just me being nitpicky. The best part was the gameplay loop, with powerups being unlocked as more ingredients were being delivered, with some more depth and polish, I could see the basic idea of this turning into a really cool vertical metroid-vania!

I agree, it's tough to control. Once you get the hang of it though it starts to feel fluid and it becomes a lot of fun to swing around, that's why I made it so the timer only starts after you complete the first halo. It really helps if you try and "chase" blue's tail, and not fight blue's pull. I also considered different time modes but I decided to focus on balancing one, I was going for an arcade style mobile friendly time waster. It definitely could've used different game modes. In the first iteration of the game there was no timer or halo or scoring system, it was just the two balls and their trails were much longer, so the player could create cool spirograph style patterns. The sound system was also different, it was a lot more musical and had a lot more depth to it, but unfortunately I just couldn't get it to work it the web build. Anyways, thank you for the feedback! I really appreciate it!